2025 SCP Annual Conference Sponsorship Menu
Diamond Partner – $10,000
Benefits Include:
- Recognition at one of the Keynote Sessions (first come first serve)
- 60 – 90 second video shown before the sponsored session advertising your firm and/or product
- 1.5 hour webinar hosted through SCP to do a data-based presentation of your organization’s products, services and offerings. Webinar can be hosted from October 2024 – June 2025. SCP will need enough lead time to put this out to the membership.
- Recognition as the Jam Session Sponsor
- Gobo for Jam Session (Logo in a spotlight form on the wall)
- Recognition on the Photo Booth at Jam Session
- Ability to handout drink tickets at the Jam Session to attendees
- Full Table Exhibit
- 4 Free Onsite Conference Registrations
- Full Page Ad in Conference Program
- Logo on SCP website year around
- Highlighted on the conference app as a Featured Sponsor
- Social Media Recognition
- Logo on Badges, given to all SCP (final approved by SCP)
- Logo on conference bag
- Promo item for conference bag (supplied by you)
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on SCP branded signage in registration area
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Logo at designated sponsorship areas during the conference
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Platinum Partner – $6,000
Benefits Include:
- Recognition at the Thursday Diversity Social Hour
- Gobo for Diversity Social Hour (Logo in a spotlight form on the wall)
- Recognition as the Saturday Breakfast Sponsor
- Recognition on the Photo Booth at Jam Session
- 3 Free Conference Registrations
- Full Page Ad in Conference Program
- Logo on the SCP website year around
- Highlighted on the conference app as a Featured Sponsor
- Social Media Recognition
- Full Table Exhibit
- Logo on conference bag
- Promo item for conference bag (supplied by you)
- Logo at designated sponsorship areas
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Gold Partner – $4,000
Benefits Include:
- Recognition as the Friday Breakfast Sponsor
- Recognition as the Town Hall & Lunch Sponsor
- 30 seconds to present your company or product at the Town Hall & Lunch
- Recognition as the Sunday Breakfast Sponsor
- 2 Free Conference Registrations
- Half Page Ad in Conference Program
- Recognition on the SCP website year around
- Highlighted on the conference app as a Featured Sponsor
- Full Table Exhibit
- Social Media Recognition
- Logo on conference bag
- Promo item for conference bag (supplied by you)
- Logo at designated sponsorship areas
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on SCP branded signage in registration area
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Silver Partner – $2,000
Benefits Include:
- Recognition at the Lunch for students and new attendees.
- 30 seconds to present your company or product in person at Lunch for students and new attendees
- Recognition at the Fellows Dinner
- Recognition as the Thursday Breakfast Sponsor
- Recognition as one of the break sponsors throughout the conference
- 1 Free Conference Registration
- Half Page Ad in Conference Program
- Recognition on the SCP website year around.
- Social Media Recognition (LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook)
- Half Table Exhibit
- Logo at designated sponsorship areas
- Promo item for conference bag (supplied by you)
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Bronze Partner – $1,000
Benefits Include:
- Recognition as the Saturday Lunch Sponsor
- Recognition as one of the break sponsors throughout the conference
- 1/4 Page Ad in Conference Program
- Half Table Exhibit
- Recognition on the SCP website year around.
- Logo at designated sponsorship areas
- Social Media recognition
- Promo item for conference bag (supplied by you)
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Certificate of recognition for display at your exhibit table
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Friends of SCP – $100 – $1000
Benefits Include:
- Recognition on the SCP website year around
- Name to appear in the conference program
- Social media recognition
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Friends of Diversity & Inclusion Reception & Other Diversity Related Initiatives – $300
Benefits Include:
- Recognition on the SCP website year around
- Name to appear in the conference program
- Social media recognition
- Logo on napkins at reception
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
Sponsor a Student- $300
Benefits Include:
- Recognition on the SCP website year around
- Name to appear in the conference program
- Social media recognition
- Recognition at the First Time/Student Breakfast
- Logo recognition on SCP Annual Conference main web page
- Logo recognition on back cover of the conference program
- Recognition in registration and all promotional emails
For more information, contact:
Heather Kennedy, M.S.
Executive Director
Society of Consulting Psychology
D: (504) 302-3270
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