
Discussion Listserv

SCP maintains a discussion listserv which is intended as a place for members to post information (e.g., referral requests, professional questions, conferences sponsored by other organizations that would be of interest to SCP members, etc.) or to ask for information regarding professional issues or resources.

As new members join the organization or at any time after that upon request, the SCP Administrator will add them to the listserv. The listserv is not moderated, so members can post items directly to the listserv to share with others.

The listserv also operates under an honor code, such that posts/questions/comments serve to better the Society and the members which it serves. The following behaviors are strictly prohibited:

  1. Using derogatory or offensive language targeted at any individual or group;
  2. Engaging in harassment or bullying based on any protected characteristic;
  3. Promoting or advocating for violence against any individual or group;
  4. Creating or sharing content that is discriminatory or hateful in nature.

We encourage all individuals to report any instances of discrimination or hate speech they encounter. We believe that creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is a shared responsibility.

We encourage everyone to treat one another with respect and to challenge discriminatory or hateful behavior when they see it.

If you are a current member and are not on the listserv and are interested in joining the listserv, please contact us with a request to be added.

Please note that this is for current paid SCP members only.


Announcement Listserv

SCP maintains an announcement listserv which is intended for announcements about the division ONLY.  This is open to members and non-members.  If you would like to be added to the listserv, please contact us with a request to be added.


Student Listserv

SCP maintains a student listserv which is intended as a place for students to ask questions among their peers.

If you are a current member not on the listserv and are interested in joining the listserv, please contact us with a request to be added.

Please note that this is for current paid SCP members only.