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SCP January 2025 Town Hall Meeting

January 13, 2025
6:00-7:00 EST

We invite you to attend a monthly one hour Town Hall via zoom hosted by Marc Sokol, our 2024 SCP President. This is an opportunity to come together as a professional community, to share your experience and discover that of other SCP members. Each month we will start with a topic of interest featuring some aspect of our society. We will then open it up to wider discussion of any topics those online wish to bring up.

Town Halls meetings will feature an array of topics including:

  • How did mentors shape the progress of your career?
  • How can peer coaching raise your game as a consultant?
  • Best consulting practices from a member of our Financial Psychology Special Interest Group
  • Consulting to the United Nations and how you can contribute
  • How consulting to a family business is different (we have a Special Interest Group for that!)
  • Do you want to publish a professional book? Tips from our Consulting Series editor.

Our January Town Hall Focus: Becoming A Trusted Leadership Advisor (TLA)
The role of the trusted leadership advisor (TLA) is focused on establishing long-term, high impact engagements with CEOs and other senior business leaders. Conceptualized and pioneered by SCP Fellow, Dr. Karol M. Wasylyshyn, she will define this role and convey key factors in consultants making the shift from executive coach to TLA. We will then explore different ways attendees have sought to establish themselves as a trusted leadership advisor.

Karol M. Wasylyshyn’s consulting career has evolved through the disciplines of journalism, clinical psychology, and executive development. She has worked with hundreds of senior business leaders representing every global sector and a wide array of industries. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association and APA’s Division of Consulting Psychology, she is the recipient of the RHR Award for Excellence in Consultation and has published extensively on her conceptualization of the trusted leadership advisor (TLA) role including award-winning articles in Consulting Psychology Journal.

Time: 6:00-7:00 Eastern 


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