
Jan 19, 2024

When Coaching Relationships Go Awry

  Joanie Connell and Ryan Warner interview Catherine Hambley and Doug Frost about their upcoming workshop called “When Coaching Relationships Go Awry” taking place on Thursday, February 1st at the SCP Conference in Austin, TX. If you’d like to take an introspective approach to your coaching skills, this is the workshop for you! For more info and to register, go to the SCP Conference website


Jan 18, 2024

2024 SCP Conference – SCP President, Catherine Hambley

  Joanie Connell and Ryan Warner interview Catherine Hambley, SCP President, about what she is looking forward to most at the 2024 Annual Conference. Catherine also offers sneak peeks into keynote topics and ways to socialize and build relationships with other SCP members. For more info about the conference and to register, go to the SCP Conference page.  


Jan 11, 2024

What do Organizational Consultants Need to Know About AI?

  Joanie Connell (presenter and host) brings co-presenters Larry Norton and Rodney Lowman on to talk about their upcoming workshop at the SCP 2024 Conference called AI in Consulting Psychology: Cautions and Opportunities. The three of them give a brief overview of the workshop format, what participants will take away from the workshop, and why they should attend. For more information and to register for the workshop click here or go to the SCP website.


Jan 8, 2024

SCP Graduate Student Consortium

  Joanie Connell interviews Marc Sokol, SCP President Elect, about SCP’s first ever Graduate Student Consortium that will take place at the SCP Conference on February 1, 2024, in Austin, TX. Marc describes what graduate students can expect and why they should come. Spoiler: networking and career mapping are two great reasons, as well as affordability. Register at  


Dec 20, 2023

SCP 2024 Conference Information

Joanie Connell and Ryan Warner interview Jacob Engelskirger and Shannon Jennings, SCP Conference Co-Chairs, to share highlights and important information about the SCP Conference in Austin, TX, February 1-4, 2024. Conference info: https://www.societyofconsultingpsycho... Tune in to hear a sneak preview of new and exciting offerings as well as why to come and how to register for the best price.


Dec 6, 2023

Culturally Responsive Substance Use Treatment: A Guide for Practitioners, Students, & Organizations

Join Dr. Ryan C. Warner, Advocacy Domain Lead, as he sits down with Dr. Gabrielle Jones to explore her latest book, "Culturally Responsive Substance Use Treatment: A Guide for Practitioners, Students, and Organizations." In this engaging episode, Dr. Jones shares practical insights for consulting psychologists, emphasizing the importance of cultural responsiveness in healthcare settings.


Nov 30, 2023

Forensic Organizational Consulting: The Role of Psychologists in Litigation Support

Joanie and Ryan interview Dr. Jay Finkelman, author of Forensic Organizational Consulting: The Role of Psychologists in Litigation Support. Jay describes the exciting world of forensic psychology and how organizational consultants can make an important impact in the justice system. He gives an overview of the book and tells how it is written for both lawyers and psychologists.


Nov 21, 2023

Leveraging Psychometrics for Organizational Culture Transformation

  In today’s episode, Dr. Patti Weiter interviews Dr. Tommy Thomas. Dr. Thomas shares his origin story in consulting psychology – it runs in his family! He talks about the ways he uses personality psychometrics to inform culture transformation at organizational scale. Dr. Thomas discusses the value he places on the community of the Society of Consulting Psychology.


Nov 21, 2023

Opportunities for Organizational Consultants in Renewable Energy

Joanie interviews Dr. Ian Kristic about his leadership development work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Ian talks about the renewable energy sector, what challenges leaders face in this in this industry, and what kinds of opportunities there are for organizational consultants. If you are looking for more consulting opportunities, have an interest in renewable energy, or would like to be involved in helping the planet, listen to this episode for ideas.


Oct 16, 2023

Opportunities for Organizational Consultants in Education

As a part of the Education series of the SCP Podcast, Joanie interviews Dr. Dorothy Kegler about how she has combined her interests in both consulting and education and what recommendations she has for other consultants who would like to apply their consulting expertise to education. She discusses opportunities in K-12 as well as higher education.


Oct 3, 2023

Influencing Alphas

In today's episode, Dr. Rob Fazio talks to host Dr. Patti Weiter about his journey to becoming a consulting psychologist, what he is currently working on, and his history as an SCP member. He discusses his book, Bullyproof, and how to win when interacting with alpha personalities.


Oct 3, 2023

The Ethical Practice of Consulting Psychology

Joanie interviews Drs. Rodney Lowman and Stewart Cooper, co-authors of The Ethical Practice of Consulting Psychology. Rodney and Stewart explain how complex ethics can be for organizational consultants, especially as they frequently must navigate multiple relationships in their engagements. They describe how the book takes readers through a structured way of looking at ethics in consulting and gives real-world case examples to illustrate the principles.


Oct 3, 2023

Using Future Search for Community and Organizational Transformation

On today's episode, host Dr. Selva Blum is joined by Dr. Jeffrey Axelbank to discuss an upcoming SCP webinar. Many situations call for stakeholder input when planning or launching a new enterprise or community initiative, and getting all stakeholders' perspectives


Sep 8, 2023

Designing Women-Centered Leadership Programs

Dr. Brancu shares her journey to consulting psychology - a winding road like so many of our SCP members. She was continually drawn to elements of consulting without having the definition for this area of impact. She notes attending the SCP Society of Consulting Psychology Annual Conference left her saying, "These are my people!" Mira shares how she became interested in supporting women in leadership as part of her company, Towerscope's, social impact model.


Sep 6, 2023

Building Leadership in STEM Environments

Special guest host Dr. Daniel Lattimore interviews Dr. Joanie Connell about her book, Consulting to Technical Leaders, Teams, and Organizations: Building Leadership in STEM Environments. Daniel asks probing questions to get Joanie to tell stories about her past that she has never shared before. Joanie talks about her experience working as an electrical engineer and how she became interested in studying psychology to help technical people communicate better with each other.