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2022 SCP Member Sur...

2022 SCP Member Survey Results

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Joined: 3 years ago

In February 2022, SCP conducted a member survey to learn more about our members and get a better understanding of the current and future state of Consulting Psychology. Thanks to everyone who participated!

The SCP Executive Board would like to share the results with you. You can view the report with aggregated results by clicking this link: Y">


Interesting Notes:

  • 199 members responded to the survey (19% response rate for the 1051 members at that time)
  • Most respondents are PhD-level professionals based in the US
  • By education, most are clinical (39%), I/O (30%) or counseling (21%)
  • SIOP (35%) is the only other APA division with strong cross-membership
  • 65% are licensed psychologists
  • The respondents skew toward later career with 24% having 11-20 years of experience and 57% having 21+ years of experience
  • 69% of respondents are solo external consultants and 25% are external consultants working for a consulting firm
  • 25% of respondents make above $200,000 per year
  • To find new clients, 75% of respondents rely on networking and 40% showcase their expertise through writing and speaking
  • The three biggest business challenges are: finding new clients (50%), balancing sales with doing the work (45%) and business administration (30%)
  • By far, the biggest competitive threat is seen as consulting services offered by non-psychology consultancies
  • Respondents value the annual conference, the Consulting Psychology Journal and networking with colleagues


If you have any questions about the survey, use the forum or contact Ann Howell, SCP Domain Leader for Research, at