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August 2022 - Civil...

August 2022 - Civility Month Resources

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This August, we look at the important topic of civility. I know this community agrees that respect and kindness at work are good things. Many of you are doing important work on this very subject. This month’s designation – National Civility Month – also gives us an opportunity to examine what happens when notions of civility go awry, often when standards of civility aren’t agreed upon or are applied inequitably. A good example would be tone policing of individuals who speak out against injustice in the workplace and beyond.

Tremendous thanks to Polly Palumbo for her partnership in this month's email! The resources below are offered as reflection points on how we can best navigate this complex topic in our roles as consulting psychologists. We offer the following resources in a spirit of respect and appreciation – and invite SCP as a community to share additional resources you’re aware of that we’ve missed here!

1) Podcast: When Civility Is Used As A Cudgel Against People Of Color - hosted by Karen Grigsby Bates. This podcast highlights the modern history of civility as a tool of oppression:

2) HBR Article: The “Angry Black Woman” Stereotype at Work - Harvard Business Review provides a deep dive into the implicit bias and subsequent consequences Black women face in the workplace and some strategies for combating this harmful stereotype.  

3) Research: Women and African Americans are less influential when they express anger during group decision making - This empirical research explores the impact of expressing anger, and how this differentially shapes the social experiences of women and people of color:

4) Research: Can an angry woman get ahead? -  This empirical research highlights different perceptions of emotional reactions across genders, including impacts on social status:

5) White Paper: Bossy: What’s gender got to do with it? - A dissection of the term ‘bossy,’ its use in the workplace, and what it means to women leaders:

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I so appreciate the time it takes to gather all these resources for our members each month! 
