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Practice tools for ...

Practice tools for sole practitioners

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Conversations relating to sole practitioners

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Some free validated assessments (five factor personality, resilience/hardiness, and career) can be found by registering at:



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@kenenvisialearning-com this is incredibly generous, thank you!

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As sole practitioners, we often have to be selective about resources and tools, finding the right functionality at an affordable price.  Not free, but not exorbitant either, particularly if you can't spread the investment out over multiple users.  So today I curious what others are using for surveys. Yes, Survey Monkey is one obvious option, but what else have you found that meets your needs?  For me, there are a few features I look for:  (1)  I don't administer surveys regularly or with one common set of questions, so I often tailor a small set of questions to the engagement, some open-ended, some structured response.  (2) Ease of set up and administration, (3) Getting responses in a useful format, either with tables and summaries I can import into a presentation deck, and ideally have some options about what type of presentation figures/tables.        As a sole practitioner, what have you found that you like for the features and value?

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@marcsokol247gmail-com Hi Mark, I don't work in the OD space per se, so large company surveys are not something I utilize with any regularity. However, I have become a big fan of real-time surveys. For that, I've become a devotee of Mentimeter. I find the tool easy to use, with a simple interface for participants and the opportunity to get real time graphical data in multiple forms. I really give a presentation or facilitate a session without using it somewhere. It's not an assessment in the traditional sense, but certainly something that you might want to add to your wheelhouse. I also have been partnering with RallyBright, a fantastic platform for team resilience. Within their structure, clients can not only take their assessment, but others as well such as the DISC and a conflict styles assessment. It's subscription-based and the cost is typically covered by the client, so your utilization is free. 

I hope you might find these additional resources useful!
