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SCP September 2024 Town Hall Meeting

September 30, 2024
6:00-7:00 EST

We invite you to attend a monthly one hour Town Hall via zoom hosted by Marc Sokol, our 2024 SCP President. This is an opportunity to come together as a professional community, to share your experience and discover that of other SCP members. Each month we will start with a topic of interest featuring some aspect of our society. We will then open it up to wider discussion of any topics those online wish to bring up.

2024 Town Halls meetings will feature an array of topics including:

  • How did mentors shape the progress of your career?
  • How can peer coaching raise your game as a consultant?
  • Best consulting practices from a member of our Financial Psychology Special Interest Group
  • Consulting to the United Nations and how you can contribute
  • How consulting to a family business is different (we have a Special Interest Group for that!)
  • Do you want to publish a professional book? Tips from our Consulting Series editor.


Our September Town Hall Focus:
Empowering Community Leaders to Rise Above Toxic Polarization

We work with individual leaders, teams, departments, and even help entire organizations change. How about taking the next challenging step – impacting our communities. We have all seen the poisonous impact of ‘conflict entrepreneurs’ on a national scale. They also exist in the communities where we live, making it more difficult to achieve lasting solutions to complex problems, such as how we educate our children, affordable housing, violence, and so forth. Democracies require trust, not hatred. Professionals with our skills have the antidote. Those who take up polarizing positions from the extreme left and right only represent 14% of the population but are empowered by media driven to capture eyeballs and clicks. 86% of Americans are somewhere in the political middle, willing to listen and learn. We can help give them a voice to demand better leadership and help communities establish norms of collaborative discussion.

Division 13 Fellow Dana Ackley has been working in his community to do just that by co-founding the Roanoke Collaboration Project. During this town hall, he’ll share his work in ways that may give the rest of us ideas about what we might be able to contribute to our own communities. Most of us know Dana through his work and commentary about Emotional Intelligence on our listserv. He is the author of the EQ Leader Program and of the soon to be released book for the public: A Little Book to Save Humanity.

See below for a schedule of Town Halls planned for the year. Members can complete the registration form once and receive monthly invites and reminders. You can also invite a non-member who might like to learn more about SCP by having them complete a registration form as well.

Time: 6:00-7:00 Eastern 


August — No Meeting

September 30 — Empowering Community Leaders to Rise Above Toxic Polarization

Monday, October 28 — Moira Somers “Advice that sticks!” who previously led our Financial Psychology SIG

Monday, Nov 25 — Larry Norton and Ann Howell, “How AI and other technologies are transforming consulting psychology”

Monday, Dec 16 — Christine Allen, “Team coaching and team dynamics”

Saturday, Jan 13 — TBD

Registration Form for Town Hall Event

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