Podcasting 101: The Basics to Starting a Podcast of Your Own

July 25, 2024 2:00 PM ET Event Description Have you ever listened to a podcast and thought, "I could do this... I could have a podcast!"? Podcasting is beautiful because it meets your listeners exactly where they are: on their commute, in the gym, doing housework, etc. Join Abby Rose Green of Pursuing HER Purpose as she shares the details that have earned her almost 4 million podcast downloads. Learning Objectives Participants in this program will be able to: 1. Identify the basics of podcasting and how to integrate podcasting into your practice 2. Recognize tools to get noticed in the podcasting space. 3. Gather information about content creation and strategies to connect with your audience to marketing efforts. 4. Identify how AI is used in Podcasting   Presenter: Abby Rose Green  Pursuing HER Purpose   Conflict of Interest Disclosure The presenter may benefit from Coaching services to webinar participants following the presentation.

SCP July 2024 Town Hall Meeting

July 29, 2024 6:00-7:00 EST We invite you to attend a monthly one hour Town Hall via zoom hosted by Marc Sokol, our 2024 SCP President. This is an opportunity to come together as a professional community, to share your experience and discover that of other SCP members. Each month we will start with a topic of interest featuring some aspect of our society. We will then open it up to wider discussion of any topics those online wish to bring up. 2024 Town Halls meetings will feature an array of topics including: How did mentors shape the progress of your career? How can peer coaching raise your game as a consultant? Best consulting practices from a member of our Financial Psychology Special Interest Group Consulting to the United Nations and how you can contribute How consulting to a family business is different (we have a Special Interest Group for that!) Do you want to publish a professional book? Tips from our Consulting Series editor.   Our July Town Hall Focus The role of spirituality in consulting psychology Many companies have clear expectations about managing boundaries of religion in the workplace, while some embrace religious expression as part of their core for being in business. As consultants we generally step aside of such discussions in our work. However, many see spirituality as more than religious expression, and having a valuable place in the development of leaders, teams and organizational purpose. This town hall is a dialogue about bringing spirituality and greater mindfulness to our consulting practice. How do we as consultants recognize when and how to raise the topic, create a common frame for productive discussion, and offer up activities that can surface spirituality? Joining me for this conversation is Colin Cooper, PhD. A member of SCP, she is an industrial-organizational psychologist, and author of a perspective on heart-centered organizational development that can be used to foster more openness, unity and creativity among individuals and teams. Dr. Colin Cooper is an Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychologist, Organization Development (OD) Consultant, Healer and Educator who integrates multiple worldviews, a transdisciplinary approach, and compassion into her work. She provides strategic planning, talent development, change management interventions, applied research, transformational coaching, healing, and education to private clients, organizational leaders, and members. Her efforts focus on creating sustainable, trauma-informed, multicultural organizations that employ anti-oppressive and inclusive practices, policies, and processes, fostering successful, humanistic individuals. See below for a schedule of Town Halls planned for the year. Members can complete the registration form once and receive monthly invites and reminders. You can also invite a non-member who might like to learn more about SCP by having them complete a registration form as well. Time: 6:00-7:00 Eastern  Dates:  Monday, July 29 August -- No Meeting September 30 -- TBA Monday, October 28 -- Moira Somers “Advice that sticks!” who previously led our Financial Psychology SIG Monday, Nov 25 -- Larry Norton and Ann Howell, "How AI and other technologies are transforming consulting psychology” Monday, Dec 16 -- Christine Allen, "Team coaching and team dynamics” Saturday, Jan 13

SCP Virtual Coffee + Conversation

Cost: Free Event Description Current Members of the Society of Consulting Psychology, Prospective Members, and Consumers of Psychology are invited to chat with the SCP Community Domain Team.   Presenters: Community Domain Co-Leads Daniel Lattimore, PhD, NCC Anika Wilson, PHR, PhD Candidate    

Managing Workplace Anxiety: Strategies for Consultants

September 19, 2024 12:00-1:00 PM EDT CE Credits: 1 Hour Register Event Description This presentation explores workplace anxiety through the lens of the biopsychosocial model, examining the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. We delve into effective coping strategies for managing workplace stress and anxiety, drawing on evidence-based techniques such as relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and social support. By understanding the complex interactions between biology, psychology, and social environment, individuals can develop resilience and empower themselves to thrive in the workplace amidst challenges. Learning Objectives 1. Describe stress and anxiety using the biopsychosocial model. The participant will learn about the common biological, psychological, and social symptoms evident when one experiences stress or anxiety. 2. Identify the differences between stress and anxiety. Provide an overview of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, and how the “fight or flight” model impacts the mind and body. Provide three examples of how our body changes when it is in a state of anxiety. 3. Explain at least three biological, psychological, and social determinants contributing to workplace anxiety. 4. Develop and apply action plans outlining concrete steps they can take to address workplace anxiety within their organizations or client settings, incorporating insights from the biopsychosocial model. Describe three cognitive and behavioral interventions to cope with and reduce anxiety. Ticket Pricing SCP Member (no CE credit) $39 SCP Member (CE credit included) $49 SCP Student Members $29 Non-SCP Members (no CE credit) $49 Non-SCP Members (CE credit included) $59 Presenter: Jay Trambadia Licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jay Trambadia is a Board Certified (ABPP), Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia. His expertise includes consultation, speaking engagements, teaching, coaching, and program development, with extensive experience in providing strategic guidance and support to individuals, teams, and organizations. Dr. Trambadia combines his deep understanding of human behavior with practical insights to help clients achieve their professional and personal goals. Throughout his career, Dr. Trambadia has worked with a diverse range of clients, including large companies, non-profit organizations, comprehensive healthcare centers,  professional sports leagues, and government agencies. He has a proven track record of delivering impactful solutions tailored to each client's unique needs, whether it's enhancing leadership effectiveness, improving team dynamics, or managing workplace stress.  Due to his time in large healthcare systems, Dr. Trambadia provides interventions such as crisis management, motivation to change, and organizational interventions, such as team building, motivational techniques, and performance strategies.   Clinically, Dr. Trambadia practices as a Health Psychologist at a large health system in Atlanta, Georgia. He specializes in facilitating lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise, sleep, pain, substance use, tobacco cessation, and other biopsychosocial concerns. In addition to his consulting work, Dr. Trambadia is a sought-after speaker and facilitator, delivering engaging workshops and presentations on topics such as workplace anxiety, resilience, well-being, and organizational change. He is passionate about sharing his expertise and empowering others to thrive in their personal and professional lives. Register   This webinar will be presented on SCP’s TPN.health platform. Please follow these instructions to create an account. Instructions to create an account on TPN.health are here. Instructions on which option to select for non-licensed psychologists are here.

SCP September 2024 Town Hall Meeting

September 30, 2024 6:00-7:00 EST We invite you to attend a monthly one hour Town Hall via zoom hosted by Marc Sokol, our 2024 SCP President. This is an opportunity to come together as a professional community, to share your experience and discover that of other SCP members. Each month we will start with a topic of interest featuring some aspect of our society. We will then open it up to wider discussion of any topics those online wish to bring up. 2024 Town Halls meetings will feature an array of topics including: How did mentors shape the progress of your career? How can peer coaching raise your game as a consultant? Best consulting practices from a member of our Financial Psychology Special Interest Group Consulting to the United Nations and how you can contribute How consulting to a family business is different (we have a Special Interest Group for that!) Do you want to publish a professional book? Tips from our Consulting Series editor.   Our September Town Hall Focus: Empowering Community Leaders to Rise Above Toxic Polarization We work with individual leaders, teams, departments, and even help entire organizations change. How about taking the next challenging step – impacting our communities. We have all seen the poisonous impact of ‘conflict entrepreneurs’ on a national scale. They also exist in the communities where we live, making it more difficult to achieve lasting solutions to complex problems, such as how we educate our children, affordable housing, violence, and so forth. Democracies require trust, not hatred. Professionals with our skills have the antidote. Those who take up polarizing positions from the extreme left and right only represent 14% of the population but are empowered by media driven to capture eyeballs and clicks. 86% of Americans are somewhere in the political middle, willing to listen and learn. We can help give them a voice to demand better leadership and help communities establish norms of collaborative discussion. Division 13 Fellow Dana Ackley has been working in his community to do just that by co-founding the Roanoke Collaboration Project. During this town hall, he’ll share his work in ways that may give the rest of us ideas about what we might be able to contribute to our own communities. Most of us know Dana through his work and commentary about Emotional Intelligence on our listserv. He is the author of the EQ Leader Program and of the soon to be released book for the public: A Little Book to Save Humanity. See below for a schedule of Town Halls planned for the year. Members can complete the registration form once and receive monthly invites and reminders. You can also invite a non-member who might like to learn more about SCP by having them complete a registration form as well. Time: 6:00-7:00 Eastern  Dates:  August -- No Meeting September 30 -- Empowering Community Leaders to Rise Above Toxic Polarization Monday, October 28 -- Moira Somers “Advice that sticks!” who previously led our Financial Psychology SIG Monday, Nov 25 -- Larry Norton and Ann Howell, "How AI and other technologies are transforming consulting psychology” Monday, Dec 16 -- Christine Allen, "Team coaching and team dynamics” Saturday, Jan 13 -- TBD

One-Night Stand or Lasting Relationship? Neuroscience Hacks for Successful Habit Change

October 1, 2024 6:00-7:30 PM EDT CE Credits: 1.5 Hours Register Event Description The 2021 Training Industry report found that on average, employees received 46.7 hours of training per year and U.S. companies spent approximately $87.6 billion for all types of training including instructor-led classroom and blended-learning. In just 48 hours after learning something new and without reinforcement we are unable recall 60% of what was taught. Neuroscience provides some insight about how "neurons that fire together wire together" in terms of the number of repetitions of practice we require post-training to facilitate neuroplasticity and how long we need to facilitate deliberate practice before new behaviors become automatic (i.e., a habit). This session will introduce 10 neuroscience based "hacks" organized along these two neural pathways to help trainers and coaches apply evidence-based strategies and tips to facilitate getting started and successfully striving in learning transfer and habit change efforts. Learning Objectives Participants in this program will be able to: 1. Participants will be able to Describe the two neural pathways associated with motivation to change and goal setting. 2. Participants will be able to Apply a three-step individual change model (enlighten, encourage, and enable). 3. Participants will be able to Apply implementation intentions to enhance goal setting and behavior change efforts. Ticket Pricing SCP Member (no CE credit) $39 SCP Member (CE credit included) $49 SCP Student Members $29 Non-SCP Members (no CE credit) $49 Non-SCP Members (CE credit included) $59 Presenter: Kenneth Nowack Senior Research Officer, Organizational Psychologist Kenneth M. Nowack, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and Senior Research Officer of Envisia Learning, Inc. a global and leading assessment and technology company.  Dr. Nowack received his doctorate degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles and has published three books (Clueless: Coaching People Who Just Don’t Get It and From Insight to Improvement: Leveraging 360-degree Feedback), and his latest being published in early 2025 by ATD Press Performance Feedback Strategies: Driving Successful Behavior Change.  His academic book chapters, and peer reviewed articles in the areas of habit/behavior change, 360-degree feedback, leadership development, health psychology, and behavioral medicine.  He is the author of numerous validated leadership psychological, career, team, and health related assessments and simulations available by global publishing companies such as Manual Moderno, Hogrefe Publishing, and Prasad Psycho including the Stress Profile, Cognitive Hardiness Inventory, N8 Personality Inventory, Executive View 360, Emotional Intelligence View 360, Manager View 360, Leader TrustView 360, NeuroTeamView, Leadership eBasket Simulation, Career Profile Inventory, and others. Ken is a member of Daniel Goleman’s Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations and served as the Editor-in-Chief for the American Psychological Association Consulting Psychology Journal. He is recognized as a Fellow of the American Psychological Association Division 13: Society of Consulting Psychology. When not conducting research, writing, teaching, and speaking Ken has served on numerous health non-profit boards as an active volunteer and has been an active puppy raiser of ten guide/service dogs for Guide Dogs of America, Los Angeles with his wife Denise for many years. Register   This webinar will be presented on SCP’s TPN.health platform. Please follow these instructions to create an account. Instructions to create an account on TPN.health are here. Instructions on which option to select for non-licensed psychologists are here.

HOGAN Assessment Certification for SCP

  PLEASE NOTE: REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT October 28 - October 31, 2024 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM ET Cost: $2350 CE Credits Available   Event Description The Society of Consulting Psychology sponsors this discounted Hogan Assessments certification course for SCP members only. The course program and materials are delivered and managed directly by Hogan. This course teaches professionals to interpret and apply Hogan’s three core personality-based assessments at a basic level: 1. Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI): measures the “bright side” of personality; strengths that facilitate successful performance 2. Hogan Development Survey (HDS): measures the “dark side” of personality; potential career derailers that impede performance 3. Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI): measures the “inside” of personality; values and drivers that powerfully influence organizational fit and leadership style Learning Objectives Participants attending all the sessions of the program and successfully completing the workshop will be certified to use and interpret the Hogan inventories. Insights acquired during this intensive workshop will challenge and change the way you think about human nature, leadership and performance. *There are three required pre-work components for this course: take the assessments, receive feedback on your assessment results, and complete the Pre-Workshop Learning Module. Please note that registration for this program closes on September 13, 2024. SCP will not be able to take any registrations after September 13, 2024. This event is for members only. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Hogan Assessment may benefit from SCP Members use of their proprietary assessments instruments.   Presenter: John Horton, MS Consulting Practice Manager, Hogan Assessments John Horton is the Practice Manager for the Independent Consultants Network at Hogan Assessments. He provides consulting on assessment solutions, conducts training and education programs for coaches, and supports the delivery of Hogan's high-quality solutions. He also conducts certification workshops and facilitates client delivery services. John contributes his thought leadership through journal articles and presentations.    Hogan Assessments is the international leader in personality insights. With the world’s largest database of personality research and decades’ worth of experience in psychometrics, Hogan produces valid, reliable personality assessments that measure everyday strengths, potential shortcomings, and values and motivators. Hogan’s solutions empower organizations to hire the right people without bias, boost productivity, reduce turnover, promote diversity and inclusion, identify high-potential talent, develop leaders, and inspire employees to do their best.   PLEASE NOTE: REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT

SCP October 2024 Town Hall Meeting

October 28, 2024 6:00-7:00 EST We invite you to attend a monthly one hour Town Hall via zoom hosted by Marc Sokol, our 2024 SCP President. This is an opportunity to come together as a professional community, to share your experience and discover that of other SCP members. Each month we will start with a topic of interest featuring some aspect of our society. We will then open it up to wider discussion of any topics those online wish to bring up. 2024 Town Halls meetings will feature an array of topics including: How did mentors shape the progress of your career? How can peer coaching raise your game as a consultant? Best consulting practices from a member of our Financial Psychology Special Interest Group Consulting to the United Nations and how you can contribute How consulting to a family business is different (we have a Special Interest Group for that!) Do you want to publish a professional book? Tips from our Consulting Series editor. Our October Town Hall Focus: How Psychologists Can Address Financial Concerns of High Earning and Ultra High Net Worth Executives Every year, surveys appear highlighting the top stressors of North Americans; every year, "money" is at or near the top of most of those surveys. While the links between poverty and reductions in well-being have long been understood, less is known about the particular financial stressors affecting many affluent executives and their families. Dr. Moira Somers will facilitate a discussion on the financial concerns commonly voiced by enterprise-owning families around the globe. How do the financial prejudices or biases of consultants and executive coaches affect the quality of the work they are able to do with such clients? What is it we do as consulting psychologists that can create ‘advice that sticks”? Dr. Moira Somers is a Family Wealth Consultant and the Chief Learning Officer for Blackwood Family Enterprise Services. The author of Advice that Sticks, she consults widely on how client outcomes are directly affected by the behaviour of advice-giving professionals (including consultants, clinicians and coaches) and the implementation support they provide. See below for a schedule of Town Halls planned for the year. Members can complete the registration form once and receive monthly invites and reminders. You can also invite a non-member who might like to learn more about SCP by having them complete a registration form as well. Time: 6:00-7:00 Eastern  Dates:  Monday, October 28 -- Moira Somers “Advice that sticks!” who previously led our Financial Psychology SIG Monday, Nov 25 -- Larry Norton and Ann Howell, "How AI and other technologies are transforming consulting psychology” Monday, Dec 16 -- Christine Allen, "Team coaching and team dynamics” Saturday, Jan 13 -- TBD

SCP Business Development Group

SCP Business Development Group Friday, November 8, 2024 12:00 EST Cost: $0 The Society of Consulting Psychology is announcing a new special interest group: The SCP Business Development Group! (Facilitator) Lubna Somjee, Ph.D. Executive Coach and Consultant Anytime I have attended a conference, town hall or other SCP meeting, the issue of business development has come up more times than not. People are often eager to talk about what works - and what doesn’t - when it comes to growing one’s business! Whether you are early career and starting out, or mid to late career and pivoting to new industries or approaches to your business, so many of us are eager to discuss this important topic. Some of us have mentors who have worked with us closely to guide us through building a business, but many of us have not had that opportunity. The SCP Business Development Group is a way for anyone interested in learning and sharing about business development to participate and genuinely support each others’ efforts - and get to know each other better. Why am I doing this? I originally did something very similar for a group I founded in 2019 (the Professionals of Color Hudson Valley), and then facilitated business development groups for other organizations. I firmly believe we go further when we go together and that it is important to close the information and opportunity gap. This is one small step towards this end. What: The Business Development Group will meet approximately four times a year for one hour and will include a structured format whereby members can obtain support around specific questions or pain points regarding the continued growth or shift of their business. Questions or pain points can include areas such as discussing marketing, new program for clients, how to be a stronger speaker, breaking into certain industries, networking, and so forth. Every so often we may have themes for meetings, or will invite speakers or a guest co-facilitator with varying areas of expertise. Given the time frame, we hope to get to at least 3 questions during each meeting. Who: This group is for anyone within SCP: interested in discussing a specific business challenge or pain point you would like to obtain feedback or actionable advice from your colleagues/the attendees, interested in supporting your colleagues who have business development questions by providing feedback or concrete advice, based on your experiences and expertise, and/or interested in business development conversation - you never know when something someone said might spark an adjacent idea for your own business, or a collaboration! Please note for some, sharing a business challenge is effortless and for others it can feel quite vulnerable. We are asking that challenges or pain points shared by individuals during this meeting be kept confidential. This is required in order to participate and critical to the success of this group. Please also note that we cannot discuss the specifics of fees during the actual meeting as this could be misconstrued as price fixing. When: Our first meeting will be Friday November 8th from noon-1pm EST Where: Via Zoom I will be facilitating the group so if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to it! Learning Objectives Attendees will walk away with practical ideas regarding business development or insights into what they need to be thinking about in relation to their business challenge. Attendees would also be giving back by supporting colleagues with practical ways to deal with business challenges from their experience and perspectives. Members getting to know each other better. Please note I will facilitate and share thoughts but will not be formally presenting material. From time to time I, or guest co-facilitators, may present on business development topics. Please let me know if you have questions or need any additional info.

Transitioning Consultants Training Group: Consulting With Teams

Consulting With Teams Mondays: November 11, December 9, January 13, February 10, March 10,  and April 14 1:30-3:30 PT / 3:30-5:30 CT / 4:30-6:30 ET Register by October 25, 2024 (for full section) “Pay per session” registration: By the Monday preceding the scheduled session date (first Monday of month) Cost:   $1250 for full Section (6 monthly sessions) or $250 “pay per session” option. Includes video/audio recordings of each session to own and use (the Full Section purchase also includes the Consulting Toolbox ). Recordings available from all prior sessions. Consulting with Individuals (sessions 1-6) and Consulting to Organizations (sessions 13-18). For 30 years, Dr. Fennig and the staff at DRIC have provided hands-on training in consulting psychology to graduate students from around the country: practica, pre-doctoral and post-doctoral internships.  DRIC has also provided training in consulting psychology to external colleagues for over 20 years.  The revised and updated SCP Guidelines for Training in Consulting Psychology (original publication in the American Psychologist. December 2007) serve as a foundation for these traineeships at DRIC, as well as for this Series. Dr. John Fennig DRI Consulting, CEO       Dr. Daniel Knauer is a Consultant at DRI Consulting. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Before Dr. Knauer started consulting, he gained experience with psychological assessment, education, supervision, research, and psychotherapy. He also has some sales experience and a college minor in marketing. Dr. Knauer is excited to provide high-quality assessment, leadership development, executive coaching, organizational development, team building, hiring support, and cultural analysis solutions in a consulting capacity. Dr. Daniel Knauer Consultant             Dates and Delivery: The second Monday of the month from 3:30-5:30 Central / 4:30-6:30 Eastern / 1:30-3:30 Pacific, with a soft start at 3pm for informal discussion and time to set up your technology.  Course is delivered live to you virtually, wherever you are via the SCP Zoom platform. Participants will also have about one hour of application homework per session monthly. Session 1: November 11, 2024 -- Group assessment Session 2: December 9 --  Assessment of functional and dysfunctional groups Session 3: January 13 --  Assessment and development of teams  Session 4: February 10 -- Creating group level teams in organizations (e.g., self-directed work groups) Session 5: March 10 -- Inter-group assessment and intervention/Group boundary assessment and intervention Session 6: April 14 -- Identify group (racial, gender, ethnic) management in the organizational context   View Session Details

SCP November 2024 Town Hall Meeting

November 25, 2024 6:00-7:00 EST We invite you to attend a monthly one hour Town Hall via zoom hosted by Marc Sokol, our 2024 SCP President. This is an opportunity to come together as a professional community, to share your experience and discover that of other SCP members. Each month we will start with a topic of interest featuring some aspect of our society. We will then open it up to wider discussion of any topics those online wish to bring up. 2024 Town Halls meetings will feature an array of topics including: How did mentors shape the progress of your career? How can peer coaching raise your game as a consultant? Best consulting practices from a member of our Financial Psychology Special Interest Group Consulting to the United Nations and how you can contribute How consulting to a family business is different (we have a Special Interest Group for that!) Do you want to publish a professional book? Tips from our Consulting Series editor. Our November Town Hall Focus: How AI and other technologies are transforming consulting psychology. In this session, we'll talk about the impact of AI on consulting psychologists such as the impact on core consulting areas (HR areas, selection assessments, coaching, OD, etc.), how consulting psychologists can leverage AI and how to get informed in or to be part of setting the future of AI. Ann Howell, PhD has built a career doing talent management work in large companies and working as an executive coach. Her interest in AI comes from taking a 6-month technology bootcamp and regularly addressing AI topics in her current role looking after assessments at Shell. Larry W. Norton, PhD. After a long corporate career, Larry consults broadly in the OD domain and is on the graduate faculty at the University of Texas at Dallas School of Management. His interest in AI led to formal training and presenting at conferences and workshops. He currently has two peer-reviewed AI publications in press. Time: 6:00-7:00 Eastern  Upcoming Dates:  Monday, Dec 16 -- Christine Allen, "Team coaching and team dynamics” Saturday, Jan 13 -- TBD

The AI-Driven Coach: How Rapid Advances in AI and Digital Coaching Technology are Redefining The Practice of Coaching

ON DEMAND CE Credits: 1.25 Hours Register Event Description Over the last three years the coaching profession has been undergoing rapid transformation. The rapid rise of digital coaching platforms along with the near overnight rise of generative AI like ChatGPT has fueled unprecedented transformation in the coaching industry. As these new AI-driven technologies continue to evolve, the nature of coaching and how we define coaching will continue to change in unexpected ways. During the session we will explore the digital coaching landscape, the latest AI-driven technologies and the impact AI is having on coaching as a practice and a profession. Dr. Woodward will also share insights from his newly launched NYU SPS Coaching Innovation Lab as well as samples of the latest AI coachbots. During the session we will explore the following: • What is Generative AI and how it is used in coaching • The coaching technology landscape • How coachbots are being trained • The evolving definition of coaching • The latest coaching tech research from the NYU Coaching Innovation Lab • Data privacy • Hopes and fears exercise • Current and future impact Learning Objectives At the end of this course, participants will be able to: • Summarize the current AI landscape. • Describe the continuum of coaching services and a proposed new typology of coaching. • Outline 2 or more legal and ethical challenges that have emerged from digital coaching and AI-enabled services around confidentiality and data privacy. • Describe 3 or more ways in which the rapid advances in generative AI (i.e. ChatGPT, Bard, Llama) will impact their coaching/consulting practice.   Presenter: Michael Woodward, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor of Executive Coaching and Founding Director of the Coaching Innovation Lab at New York University (NYU) School of Professional Studies Michael “Woody” Woodward, PhD, PCC is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Executive Coaching and Founding Director of the Coaching Innovation Lab at New York University (NYU) School of Professional Studies where he developed and now leads the Master of Science in Executive Coaching and Organizational Consulting program (ECOC). Dr. Woodward serves on the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Thought Leadership Institute Board of Directors where he co-chairs the ICF Taskforce on AI in Coaching. Dr. Woodward authored the Amazon top selling career book, The YOU Plan, and co-authored The Digital Coaching Revolution. He has appeared on The TODAY Show, LIVE with Kelly, Fox Business and CNN among many others. In practice Dr. Woodward focuses on building leadership capacity and has worked with leaders from Bacardi, SAP, Sugar Foods Corporation, and The Miami Herald among many others. He started his career as an HR consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting (PwC) and IBM Global Business Consulting Services. He also served as founding faculty at the Florida International University Center for Leadership and has been an advisor to the EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women program. Dr. Woody received a bachelor’s in psychology from the University of Miami, a master’s in industrial and organizational psychology from Springfield College, and a PhD in industrial and organizational psychology from Florida International University. Dr. Woody published award-winning research on teamwork titled Cooperation and Competition: The Effects of Team Entrainment and Reward Structure, which earned him an appointment as a Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Scholar. Ticket Pricing SCP Member (no CE credit) $39 SCP Member (CE credit included) $49 SCP Student Members $29 Non-SCP Members (no CE credit) $49 Non-SCP Members (CE credit included) $59 SCP 2024 Conference Registrants $0   This webinar will be hosted on SCP’s new webinar platform called TPN.health. SCP members, please follow these instructions to create a member account and access SCP member prices. Register  

The Science of Self-Confidence: Helping Leaders Gain and Demonstrate the Confidence they Need to Succeed

For leaders, feeling and demonstrating self-confidence is a necessity. It can influence motivation to set stretch goals, learn new skills and develop in areas they find challenging. We will examine new global leadership research exploring the relationship between self-confidence and effectiveness, and the behavioral correlates of self-confidence. We will also discuss practical strategies for improving self-confidence using 360 assessments. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION

The Power of Power: Dealing with Personal and Organizational Power in the Workplace

Power dynamics are often viewed as negative and/or ignored. It is a complex and emotionally loaded concept in individual relationships and within an organization. This presentation will deal with power in the organizational context with the goals of helping consultants and coaches work effectively within the power dynamics of an organization and to understand their own relationship with power. Dr. Blanton will review classic and more recent research on power. She will also address potential dangers in power relations (such as denial, over-identification, and exploitation. She will use case examples from her own practice and provide practical applications. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION

The Science of Effective Coaching

PRESENTED BY DR. RICHARD BOYATZIS Great coaches move us. They move us through a basic human process—our emotions. Effective coaches are literally in tune with others around them, establishing a deep emotional connection with others called resonance. They nurture these resonant relationships through mindfulness, hope, compassion, and playfulness. The combined effect of vision-based coaching and resonant client relationships results in dramatically more effective coaching experiences. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION

Coaching Elite Performers

This 90-minute presentation focuses on (1) many of the intra and interpersonal dynamics most effective in achieving credibility and influence with elite performers and (2) a conceptual system for the integration of coaching investigations and interventions. Though case examples include a focus on elite military members (Special Forces, Marine Raiders, etc.) the principles presented are powerful when applied to the coaching of any uniquely talented, intellectually bright, aggressive and highly competitive individuals or groups. Though examples are specific and concrete, the principles conceptually represent the balancing of confidence and humility in coaching demeanor, mindful investigation of client needs, and the development of functional strengths in the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of client performance. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION