Transforming Communities: An Introduction to Future Search

September 26, 2023  Time: 6 pm ET / 5 pm CT / 3 pm PT   Jeffrey Axelbank, PsyD Cost: $39 APA CEs: 1.5 hours Many situations call for stakeholder input when planning or launching a new enterprise or community initiative. And getting all stakeholders’ perspectives is essential in a turbulent environment. But how to harness people to change their own system? This concurrent session provides an introduction to Future Search, a proven theory and technique developed by Marv Weisbord and Sandra Janoff, to get the whole system in the room to find common ground for productive movement. Join this interactive session to learn how to identify the principles and identify the conditions for success of Future Search and experience a sample of Future Search. Learn with your peers and discuss applications of Future Search in your practice. Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to identify the four principles of Future Search. Participants will be able to identify the conditions for success of Future Search. Participants will be able to list the categories of stakeholders in a Future Search Conference, people with people with authority, resources, expertise, information and need. Participants will be able to list the five parts of a Future Search conference.

Webinar: Using Video To Promote Your Consulting Services

November 7, 2023  Time: 6 pm ET / 5 pm CT / 3 pm PT Duration: 90 Minutes Cost: $39 Franklin Taggart The bar to entry for video marketing has never been lower. With professional quality audio and video built into the phone in your pocket, it's hard to find a reason not to use the power of video to connect with your clients. This masterclass is your opportunity to find a way to make video marketing work for you. If you've been frustrated with your video marketing experience so far or felt too intimidated to try, this masterclass will help you make well-informed decisions as you take your next steps. Learning Objectives: Learn the different types of video format and find the video format and features to promote your services successfully. Understand the different types of equipment and software. Increase your comfort being on camera and behind a microphone, and seeing and hearing the recorded version of you. Learn how to identify the right kind of content to attract and interest your desired audience. Learn how to discover the places where your clients are watching. Understand the professional guidelines to be aware of.   Franklin Taggart creates blogs, books, recordings, and videos for marketing, teaching, coaching, presenting, and entertaining. His guiding principle is that every interaction is an opportunity to deliver a valuable and memorable experience that makes a positive quality-of-life difference. Franklin is the producer and host of Your Own Best Company, a podcast for people who love to work alone, and the creator of three other podcasts, many online courses, masterclasses, and webinars. He's been a blogger since 2002 and has been spotted on video channels like YouTube, LinkedIn, and, lately, TikTok. He's known for his calm voice, warm personality, and receptive presence. Franklin's blog -

Mid-Advanced Professional Practice Peer Consultation

Strengthening Expertise through Shared Lenses For experienced consulting and coaching psychologists, peer consultation is one of the best ways to continue to build expertise by learning from the experiences, wisdom and different perspectives of highly esteemed peer consulting psychologists whose doctoral psychology training span different areas. Webinar Sponsored by SCP / This program offers CE credits Facilitators: Vicki V. Vandaveer, Ph.D. / Leonard Wysocki Ph.D. Registration Fee: $300 per participant 100% of fees go to SCP Research and/or General Fund Dates: Tuesday, March 12, 2024, 6:00-7:30 pm Eastern. Subsequent meetings will be decided in first meeting Purpose: Strengthen consulting and coaching psychology expertise through peer review and dialogue around our most challenging cases Description: • Six small group meetings – 1.5 hours each, 5 to 6 participants per session – committed to be present at all six sessions • Participants take turns leading the dialogue when sharing their own case • Meetings are “closed” – only registered participants and the two facilitators • All participants commit to strict confidentiality outside of the group. • At the conclusion of the six sessions, the group (or any subset who wishes to) may write up their case studies and learnings for publication in CPJ or other refereed journal. • CE credit will be earned (pending APA approval). Learning Objectives: Participants will achieve, among many other things: A. Insights from each other, who come from different areas of psychology and practice in different contexts. B. Greater awareness of the complexities and challenges that can emerge in organizational consulting and leadership coaching. C. Enhanced knowledge and skills for preventing and/or dealing with similar complex challenges more effectively. D. Better understanding of the role and impact of the Self in consultation and in consulting outcomes and be better able to use the Self as an even more effective instrument for clients’ development. Conflict of Interest Disclosure: There are no conflicts of interest to disclose in connection with this series. *The Society of Consulting Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Society of Consulting Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Event Registration Is Now Full