"*" indicates required fields

Registrant Name*

Highest Degree*

Business / University*

Address - Main*

Which of the following apply to you? Check all that apply.*

Which of the following apply to you? Check all that apply.*

Are you a First Time Conference Attendee?*

Are you a First Time Conference Attendee?**

New/First Time Attendees: Were you referred to the conference by a member? If so, please tell us who!

Are you a consultant or want to go into consulting?*
How did you hear about the conference?*

Please indicate special accessibility needs here:

Please indicate special accessibility needs here:
Dietary Restrictions

Conference Registration

Registration Cancellation Policy Early Bird Registration will end on December 31, 2023. Registration fees will increase by $100 on January 1, 2024.

Cancellation Schedule:

November 15 - December 31: Full Refund Minus a $75 Processing Fee

January 1 - January 15: 50% Refund

January 16 - February 3: NO Refunds

Registration is non-transferable for the 2024 Conference.

Please choose your registration type below. Note: Member Rate is for current 2023/24 Division 13 Members ONLY; registration will be checked against the current membership list.

The 2024 Conference will be in person. If you are not able to attend the conference in person but would still like a few sessions. SCP will be offering a recorded version. This will include all 4 keynotes and 5 concurrent sessions.

Registration Type (Choose One):*

Workshop & Assessment Registration

Workshop registration fees for Thursday are $215 per session. Consulting Session on Sunday is $215.

Cancellation Schedule:

November 15 - December 31: Full Refund minus $75 Processing Fee

January 1 - January 15: 50% Refund

January 16 - February 3: NO Refunds

*Workshops are transferable to another workshop during the 2024 Conference only.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

8:00AM - 12:00PM
1:00PM - 5:00PM


SCP has two funds, our Research Fund and General Fund. Each fund is designated to assist the society with different ongoing projects. In 2023 these two funds helped fund multiple DEIA Excellence in Research Grants and Dissertation Awards. With ongoing support from our SCP community we will be able to continue ongoing projects as needed from our domains.

Research Fund
General Fund

Division 13 Fellows
Are you an APA-Division 13 Fellow?
Please have someone contact me about the Fellows dinner.
I have read and agree to the Registration Cancellation Policy.*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.