Mary C. Gentile, PhD

Keynote: Friday, February 7, 2025
Giving Voice to Values

Mary C. Gentile, PhD, is Creator and Director of Giving Voice to Values (, launched with The Aspen Institute and Yale School of Management and hosted at Babson College for 6 years, now based at UVA-Darden. This pioneering curriculum for values-driven leadership has been piloted and/or presented in over 1,490 sites globally and has been featured in Financial Times, Harvard Business Review, Stanford Social Innovation Review, McKinsey Quarterly, etc. Gentile is a consultant, speaker and author on GVV. She was
formerly the Richard M. Waitzer Bicentennial Professor of Ethics at UVA Darden (2016-2022) and was previously at Harvard Business School(1985-95) and Babson College (2009—2015). She holds a B.A. from The College of William and Mary and Ph.D. from State University of New York-Buffalo.

Gentile’s publications include: Giving Voice to Values: How To Speak Your Mind When You Know What’s Right; Can Ethics Be Taught? Perspectives, Challenges, and Approaches at Harvard Business School (with Thomas Piper & Sharon Parks); Differences That Work: Organizational Excellence through Diversity; Managerial Excellence Through Diversity: Text and Cases, as well as cases and articles in Harvard Business Review, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Risk Management, CFO, BizEd, Strategy+Business, etc. Gentile was Content Expert for the award-winning CD-ROM, Managing Across Differences (Harvard Business School Publishing).