Scott Tannebaum, PhD

Keynote: Friday, February 7, 2025
Conversations with Teams that Matter

Scott Tannenbaum is President of The Group for Organizational Effectiveness, a boutique consulting and research firm that has supported over 600 organizations, including over 100 Fortune and Global 1000 companies. For the last 35 years, Scott has advised, coached, and researched all types of teams, including corporate, medical, and military teams, as well as more “extreme” teams, such as smoke jumpers, deep sea dive teams, cancer care teams, and aerospace crews.

Formerly a tenured business school professor, Dr. Tannenbaum’s research has been cited over 26,000 times. He was named a Fellow of the Society for I/O Psychology (SIOP) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS). He currently serves as SIOP President-Elect.

Scott received INGRoup’s Joseph McGrath Award and SIOP’s Distinguished Professional Contributions Award for his lifelong work on team effectiveness. His latest book, with Eduardo Salas, Teams That Work, was published by Oxford University Press and was a finalist for the George R. Terry book of the year award.
